av Erol Haagenrud | jul 18, 2012 | People and Portraits
I saw these guys from across the street in Ronda, Spain, but unfortunately I just had my 50mm with me. Still, after some (heavy) cropping, the image turned out to work pretty well. It’s no poster-quality though…
av Erol Haagenrud | jul 16, 2012 | People and Portraits
Sunset at the beach. It was the perfect moment to take a picture.
av Erol Haagenrud | jul 13, 2012 | People and Portraits
av Erol Haagenrud | jul 10, 2012 | People and Portraits
This is Stian Carstensen, the multi-instrument Norwegian musician and entertainer. (More info)
av Erol Haagenrud | jul 10, 2012 | People and Portraits
Members of the Norwegian Wind Quintet Fannaråken, playing on the Barn festival at Mellom Rød Gård.
av Erol Haagenrud | mai 26, 2012 | People and Portraits
This is my (beloved) mother in law. She is 83, and so fit she can still touch the ground with her hands while standing with straight legs!